August 28, 2011

Cincinnati weekend and Bridal shower

This past weekend I headed to Cincinnati for the whole weekend! This doesn't happen too often- I'm usually in and out in a day or two. I was able to run around a lot with my mom and dad doing wedding things as well as relax for a while with a few friends.

That sunday was my Bridal shower. I have to say that my Mom, Maid of honor and Bridesmaids did a Fantastic job on throwing me a wonderful shower. I feel so lucky to have such wonderful and supportive people in my life.

They even had a travel theme for me! All the food was different parts of the world from French croissant sandwiches to Spring Rolls to Cincinnati Skyline Dip. YUM!
Courtney (my Maid of Honor) even made us Bubble Tea!!! My mom got the cutest cookies. Not only were there airplanes but all the suitcases had places I had traveled to. Amazing!

 Here are my lovely girls!

First thing after eating lunch were we played a few typical Bridal games. Everyone had to answer questions about Geoff and I and then I had to answer questions about Geoff. (Luckily I did pretty well- I was very nervous.) :)

After that it was all about unwrapping some gifts. I got some really cool (and many much needed) things. Check out my amazing world platter- my friends know us so well! :)

I really had the best time. It was wonderful to be around such a great group of people, I am truly blessed! (Here is my mom and I- isn't she too cute!?!?)


Brittney said...

Beautiful bridal shower!! Love the travel cookies, very fitting! You looked beautiful in your dress too :)

Joanna said...

Love the platter! Do tell where you got it.

LiPeony said...

awesome! Your friends and family did such a great job personalizing and coordinating the whole thing! I've been out of the loop so congrats!! I'm so happy for you and Geoff. (btw those travel cookies look so delicious!)