September 1, 2015

Covered Goods- Giveaway!

***GIVEAWAY closed. Amanda Z- please email me- you are the winner of the giveaway!***

One of the most nerve wracking things about becoming a parent the first time around was the thought of breastfeeding in public. I quickly learned after Logan was here that a hungry and crying baby trumped all worries I had about what anyone else thought. The first few weeks I tried really hard to time outings so they were in between feeds but one night we went out to eat with a coworker of my husbands family. I brought a bottle for Logan because I was nervous and had never met them before.... you can probably guess what happened next. It was the first time he refused a bottle and sat at the table screaming. Lucky for me, they were awesome (and the wife was also breastfeeding their youngest) so they told me to go for it and ordered me a beer.

Even now the second time around, when I am out, I like to use a cover. It is totally a personal preference and I don't bat an eye at those who don't... but I quickly found out that I have some very inquisitive babies. If they aren't covered, they want to stop eating to see what is going on and after delivery, I guess I'm still trying to hold on to what little modesty I have left. ;) Logan wasn't a huge fan of the cover but would tolerate it... Quinn is definitely not a fan at all of being covered up.

On our trip to Seattle a few weeks ago, we were out and about a lot. I quickly learned that the second Quinn is done eating she wants out and likes to karate chop the cover out of her way. It's crazy fast and I barely have time to adjust my shirt before shes peeking out and laughing at me. I knew that there had to be a better solution than the small and lightweight nursing cover I had been using. One that would actually keep me covered...
 Checking out Instagram, I came across Covered Goods. There is was, a nursing cover that actually covered you. I had to have it. Luckily, they were oh so nice and sent me one to try out. Let me tell you- this cover is fantastic. Not only did I get a beautiful design, but it covers your front and back and stays on until you are done and pull it off. I have used it nursing all over the place and haven't had to once worry about anyone accidentally seeing anything.
Not only does it work as a nursing cover, but it also can cover your baby in the infant bucket seat. So if it's windy out or your little once is napping, you don't have to worry about bringing another blanket along. It also can not blow away- which is amazing.
Also, when you baby starts sitting up in carts, you can also use it as a car seat cover. Right now, Quinn still goes in the carrier when we shop... but once she can sit a little better, I will be using this on our errands out!

In a few weeks, I'll be heading to the beach with a few girlfriends while Geoff hangs out with the kids. I will be pumping a lot to keep up my milk supply while I am gone. Two years ago when I went, I was in the same position and I remember how akward it was trying to pump and keep my nursing cover from flying all over the place. This year I am so excited that I will stay fully covered and could probably pump with a tropical drink in my hand instead. ;)
If you aren't completely sold on this cover yet Covered Goods is giving one away to one of you!

To enter to win a cover of your choice all you have to do is leave me a comment on what design you would love to have!
Contest will be open until Sept 4th at noon and I will email the winner shortly after it closes!

Good luck.

You can check out more Covered Goods here. Also feel free to look at their Instagram as well!

*This product was received for review, no other compensation was provided. All views expressed are honest and my own! :)


tiffany said...

the watercolor one is gorgeous!

Lisa said...

Love the summer grey and ivory stripe!

Amanda Z said...

Love the Classic Gray and White stripe! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!!