January 20, 2009

Cold and not so cold....

Last week, we had a cold couple of days in Ohio. Coldest temps for the past 13 years. I dont really remember ever being this cold, really.... until we flew to Montreal. Luckily we had a short turn, 20 minutes... this being said because we come in on a regional jet we dont have a jet bridge. So I got to feel the lovely weather. A HIGH of Negative 6. Negative! Thats right! That morning when my passengers woke up and loaded their cars and drove to the airport it was almost negative 40. WHAT?

Here is what a cold Negative 6 looks like from the air...

I also flew to Dallas for a one day. Passengers always love to tell me when we are delayed just how long they have been sitting in the airport. They aren't the only ones who get stuck sitting all day. I was called that morning to cover the Cincy to Dallas flight at 8am. To get me back to base they had to Deadhead me home (this is where I sit in the back like a passenger- in my uniform... you may have seen crews on your plane before doing this). The next flight was over 5 hours later. Thats right, I sat in the airport for over 5 hours... this is one of the longer sits I have had to do. So what do you do for that amount of time? I had BBQ for lunch (YUM!) and then found these nifty difty chairs at the Alaskan Airlines gate right next to ours read half of a book ("Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella- very cute!) and took a nap. How cool right? Well, I can think of many other things I would of rather been doing, but if I'm going to be sitting for a while, it's best to be comfortable!

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