July 16, 2013

Cincinnati visit and a night out

I love going home! There is something so nice about visiting friends and family.
Even though I moved away from Ohio a few years ago, it still feels like home whenever I return!

This was Logan's second visit to Ohio!
We were there for about a week and a half. We flew down for my friends Wedding, which was beautiful, and spent the rest of our time eating out at all the favorites and catching up with loved ones.

The saturday night of my friend Stephanie's Wedding, we left Logan with my mom and dad from about 4pm until after midnight. This was the longest time that I have been away from Logan and have someone else watch him. I feel really lucky to be able to say that and while it is important to have alone time, I've really enjoyed being able to spend so much time with him as a baby. Let me tell you though, it was niiiiiice to get dressed up, get to hold my husbands hand, dance and chat with friends without multi-tasking. I could concentrate on what was being said and I even had a few glasses of wine. Freedom. :)
I missed Logan like crazy but I knew he was in good hands with Grandma and Grandpa! They had plenty for him to eat and we had done a wee little bit of sleep training the week prior so he was finally falling asleep on his own. He was asleep when we got back and didn't wake up until the morning.

Now that that is done with, we need to move on to try out a babysitter here in NH for a date night.... gulp!

I'm not going to bore you with a day by day recap of what we did so I'll just share some highlights via photos with you. :)

Hope you all have a great week! We will be enjoying the sunshine and spending some quality time as a family. This summer seems to be racing by at warp speed and I am desperately trying to soak up every minute I can. :)


Elly Thielen...The Mothership said...

Isn't that the truth. I'm always conflicted emotionally when I send the kids away, but I'm always happy I did. It's so nice to get a whole story from someone, go to the bathroom without a stroller, and drink without thinking if people are judging!! Yay for babysitter

Jes said...

We're going to be in Cincinnati for about 36 hours next month and I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to eat all the food I want to eat in that time!